Tag Archives: credit report

Credit Crunch; Are We Experiencing One?

Credit Armor, Dispute Armor

  It is no question that we are sliding deeper into a more difficult economic state as inflation continues to rise. Watching the price of eggs, milk, meat and cheese at the grocery store is just one effect of the current recession that we are all experiencing. One phrase I have heard while working in […]

Looking To Refinance?

The In’s and Out’s of Refinancing  In today’s blog, we will go over what it means to refinance, how to do it and when you should think about refinancing. Many homeowners refinance for a variety of reasons from combating ever changing rates to saving money on interest rates.  What is refinancing?  Refinancing happens when you […]

Identity Theft; Stopping it Before it Happens

Credit Armor, Dispute Armor

Identity theft has been described in many ways over the years through different definitions, but Identity theft refers to when someone steals your personal identifying information for their own personal use. Thieves will use your information to do anything from draining accounts, opening trade lines, creating fake accounts and generally running amok under your name. […]