Are You Hurting Your Credit? In the world of credit, the option that seems the most logical sometimes is not the best option. When you think about taking out a loan, the first thing that comes to mind is “how quickly can I pay this back?” If that is your mindset, then you are going […]
Tag Archives: credit
Have you or a family member been receiving annoying spam calls throughout the day? Has your inbox filled with aggressive collection messages? As a consumer, it is imperative to educate yourself about the process that an actual collection company can attempt to collect a debt as opposed to a scam caller asking you to meet […]
With the 2023 semester coming to a close and new graduates venturing out on their new journey, Student loans are an ever-present shadow looming over their credit report. In todays blog, we will go over the in’s and out’s of student loans and how they can affect your report in both positive and negative ways. […]
Identity theft has been described in many ways over the years through different definitions, but Identity theft refers to when someone steals your personal identifying information for their own personal use. Thieves will use your information to do anything from draining accounts, opening trade lines, creating fake accounts and generally running amok under your name. […]
It is no secret that many of the values our parents held are becoming increasingly more difficult to attain; whether it be building your wealth or buying a house, each goal will have a new set of trials and tribulations. As a first-time home buyer, the home buying process can seem like a daunting experience, […]
When I was younger, I had applied and was accepted by a lender that provided credit cards specifically meant for medical purposes. I was ecstatic knowing that I could finally take care of myself and begin working on some much-needed dental repair. It was a rough process, and I needed my Father to co-sign with […]
It is no question that we are sliding deeper into a more difficult economic state as inflation continues to rise. Watching the price of eggs, milk, meat and cheese at the grocery store is just one effect of the current recession that we are all experiencing. One phrase I have heard while working in […]
The In’s and Out’s of Refinancing In today’s blog, we will go over what it means to refinance, how to do it and when you should think about refinancing. Many homeowners refinance for a variety of reasons from combating ever changing rates to saving money on interest rates. What is refinancing? Refinancing happens when you […]
Tools Of The Trade As my lease comes to an end and I think about the headache that is about to come when it comes to searching for another apartment, packing up all my belongings and moving into a new home; I look forward to the day that I can buy my own house. Currently, […]
What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “Credit Mix”. Most consumers imagine the credit pie chart that reveals the impact percentage of their payment history, credit length and utilization rates. Within the pie chart, there are two factors that make up 20% of your grade (new lines of credit and your credit […]